Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Little House in The Little City

So yesterday was extra nice. Well the morning was. While the fiance slept I took it apon myself to wash clothes and clean the room a bit. The window to the room was open and the sun was shining nicely. Even the birds were chirping to each other. Very Disney Snow White stuff going on.

It was going awesome for me because I am just in love with good weather. Combine that with clean clothes and I think we have found another source of bliss for me.

Now if my day was awesome that morning then it must've been good throughout you would think. Well towards the end of my shift last night I was ripely annoyed with a pinch of achyness in my back. "It's all down hill from here" is the quote I think of when I look back on yesterday at this point.

First the schedule came in...I opened the next day! Hello four hours of sleep. Then my day was a steady hum up until my usual lottery person came in with her mega bossy attitude and excessiveness to lottery scratch offs. I guess I should be used to it by now but she still gets under my skin every once in a while.

My day in a nutshell: Awesome with a few malfunctions.
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Saturday, February 19, 2011

On the Outside Looking In

I have been wanting to blog for a while, I just didnt have much to say. Well today is a different story. I am chalk full of things to mention. Lets just hope I dont go into a rambling fit.

I wont lie and say that my life is extra exciting and that there is a new adventure everytime you look around. In fact I could be a poster child of a plain old american what with my minimum wage job and college debt building beyond belief. So it kind of gets on that frayed nerve of mine when people decide to judge me and not know a single thing about me.

That hasn't happened to me in a while (or as far as i know) but it did happen to a homie of mine about her significant other. People talking smack about him got under my skin just as bad as if it were about me. I wont go into too much detail to protect the innocent yada yada lol, but I thought it quite ridiculous for someone to complain about another person without knowing them at all. It had to do with what they knew about their parents I am willing to bet. Well I say thumbs down to that one because that is so unfair to be looked down apon all because of a mistake your parents made centuries ago...

And thats enough of the heavy, i felt a long drawn out speech coming on so I stopped myself.

Now for the fun things that have happened while I was away. I finally got new glasses! Hallelujah is all I have to say. I am no longer rocking the tape and glue look any longer. And its about time. I told Kourt that side of my face hadn't seen light for weeks since I had been covering it up with my hair. Lenscrafters helped me out after long last and that same day I think I even found my wedding dress. Ooooohhh. But we wont go into that today.

I have been downloading apps out the wazzoo. So yet again thank you free android market.

Valentines Day was jus another day but I was still equally happy :). No roses or cards from my my valentine but we did see a movie and hung out together. I love Jer.

School starts up again in another week. I'm kind of excited and kind of not..who wants to study bleh. But I will be believe me.

I think I have covered everything. If not oh well its not like its the end of the world or anything. Lol chao for now.
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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blonde Moments And Other Fiascos

Let me just start by saying females are stupid beyond belief. As hipycritical as this may sound, I despise the gender. Its only wrong for me to say that because I'm a chick myself but I wont brag about being the brightest crayon in a box of 72's.

So you might ask what has brought on so much hatred that I even include myself so as to not be so contradicting? Well first it has to do with the toilet and second it has to do with our lovely flushables, or not so flushable in this case.

Today is a work day. I am actually sitting at work writing this just because it was fresh on the mind. Anywho, on this leisurly work day I got a clogged toilet. In the ladies restroom someone decided to flush something that was oh so obviously not supposed to be flushed. I figured toilet paper, but the scene of the crime proved me hella wrong. I am so sure they put "Do Not Flush in Toilet" on maxi pads boxes for a reason. But there it was, along with a few things I won't bother to mention, in all of its smelly glory on the brink of overflowing right out of the lou. If only I werent the only one here during the day, but I suffered through it, right down to mopping the drenched floor.

Why? Why would she do this? Right now my mood is set to assassination mode for the culprit who created that in there for me to clean. SHE better be glad I don't have her address....and now I sound like a psycho.

Well as a disclaimer I am certainly not a psycho and I dont literally hate women. But that scene definitely set the bitch mode off in me for a minute.

For future references though, please be a lad and throw away the pad.
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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fatal? I Think Not

So the new thing for me is Angry Birds on my Galaxy S phone. I have to say I am super grateful for the free apps in the android market for us poor people. It seems, however, I have downloaded a super popular and even more addicting game.

Is it normal to have the urge to play it ALL the time? My motivation: a competition with my soon to be cousin Chris with getting passed levels. I suck compared to him but its a fun challenge. I could honestly play all day lol. With small breaks of course. Work and a social life cut into my playtime but im not gonna be weird and say that is a bad thing.

All i have to say is thank you android market for my new pass time.
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Thursday, February 10, 2011

When Push Comes to Shove

Typically for me i am all smiles and giggles. I laugh at everything except for anything equvilant to a funeral and love love lol. Happy should be my middle name honestly. Today I surprised myself though. When I actually thought I couldnt be any happier after cleaning, listening to music, and just being content wih myself, something like bliss happened.

It might of had something to do with seeing my bestie/maid-of-honor for the first time in what seemed like weeks, or maybe from eating all those chocolate covered strawberries guilt free lol. Either way I told Jer today that i feel extra smiley.

Today has been a good day though. Kourt and I went out to eat pretty much and got caught up in what was going on with each of us. It felt nice to talk to my bestie again. That along with me doing my usual housewife-like duties this morning had me feeling extra good. I indulged in chocolate covered strawberries all morning, and since chocolate is the root of all happiness (especially when its covering a strawberry) it's no wonder i am happy beyond words.

I am glad today was a good one, I am jus hoping things go the same for monday :) Valentines Day! I told you I love love and what perfect timing that the day of love is right around the corner. Now comes the wondering of what the honey will get me... I hope its huge..or silver...or has a caramel center lol. Just sayin

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Longest Day Of My Life

You know the feeling you get when your like seven and your mom gets you pumped about going somewhere awesome and you get ready early and wait by the door until its time to go. Well i had that feeling yesterday about leaving work.

I anticipated when the clock would finally hit 1:30 signaling my relief to actually relieve me. I was tired from the night before and had a date with the bed as soon I got home. As my luck would have it however, it was like I was seven again and mom cancelled the awesomely amazing trip for a reason I wouldnt quite understand through the anger and tears. My relief calls ten minutes before 2 (yeah she was already late) and tells me exactly what I didnt want to hear.

So from open to close I worked yesterday. I was so angry my head hurt because i was so sure she had made up that story about being sick. But I stayed, calming myself with thoughts of a larger check.

I have to admit it was VERY weird seeing the sunrise and sunset while at work. It was the longest day of my life I sware. It felt like it wouldnt end. People that had seen me that same morning were nicely sympathetic. I wanted to whine to anyone that would listen but restrained myself to the bff's and the fiance.

Just another fun day at the gas station.
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Monday, February 7, 2011

Double Or Nothin'

So the buzz is all about the superbowl. I opened the dallas paper and couldn't turn a page without the slightest mention of the packers or the steelers blah blah. I guess there was plenty to talk about though what with Aguilara's anthem mishap, the half time show, the pricing of seats (they should be ashamed btw), and the infamous commercials...the list kind of goes on after that if you want to nitpick but you get the picture.

I actually watched the game with my fiance and his fam. My motivation was the commercials however. My only intention was to see every 3 million dollar commercial. My fave was the guy pinned in his car by monkeys that couldnt park lol. There were alot of other funny ones too so I was pretty satisfied on that part. I have never in my life sat through a whole football game period until yesterday.

And since I was sitting through a football game I decided to try my luck with a simple bet of five dollars. I had already picked my team: Steelers! But the only reason i picked em is because of Wiz Khalifa. Thank you for that song black and yellow lol. I went into this without knowing a single stat and to be honest i barely understand football anyways except for the term TOUCHDOWN! Lol.

So if you watched the game you know the outcome of my blind betting skills. And if you didnt..I lost. I would say I was sad but it was really mixed emotions because by the fourth quarter I was starting to lose interest and the commercials were still catching my attention from time to time making me laugh. So i wasnt too mad.

It was a fun night though, there was pizza and snacks all around. There was alcohol but of course I touched none of it. I got to bed at a pretty reasonable hour considering that I had to work this morning at 4:30. So the question today is why the hell am i so tired????
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

And the Winner Is.....

So I looked it up online (or at least tried to) who invented the lottery so i would know who to slap for making such an addictive game. According to average joe's of Yahoo Ask its been around since the "dawn of man" so no one to slap in this instance. (Dern) But since i work at a gas station i see plenty of people buy buy buy lottery tickets. I sell scratch off's out tha wazzoo and dont get me started on those powerball's and mega millions'. The hype of it all is scary.

I wont lie and say i have never played but its gambling and that chance of losing isnt attractive to me honestly, so its not often that i play. People lose left and right and i dont see how that doesnt motivate em to quite while they are behind. There was a little old lady that played her little heart out and won fifty dollars today. She was so excited but i sware she spent over a hundred to get it...so confused..

Another thing, while i am rambling about the lottery, i had brought up the actual winners with my soon to be mother-in-law when one off the major lottery games was over 300,000 for the jackpot. U should see the stories about jackpot winners, they are either robbed, broke, or dead. So winning the lottery doesnt seem so hot from that point of view. Which poses a simple question: is it better to win the lottery or lose?

I think i will stick to scratching every blue moon and see what happens. As for those poor souls itchin for an extra buck, playing like its going out of style..lets just hope they dont wait until its too late to use that hotline on the back of those tickets.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


It is super cold at the momento, and while i have this quiet time at work i decided to blog about it.

I mean it is winter so you can expect bitter coldness every once in a while in texas but still. It was just yesterday i was wearing my short sleeve shirt in 70 degree weather, and today it is below 30. Thank you global warming for this weird weather. A chance of it snowing is the only reason I am not overly upset about this ordeal. If it was cold and there wasnt gonna be any snow than there would be an issue. Why have cold if its not gonna produce tha white stuff lol.

Well its not snowing yet but i am anxious to see it haopen. What i am not anxious about is taking out the trash while i am here at work. Any reason to stay inside is good enough for me.

Other than the cold weather i wanted to mention the goings on of last week. I have seen at least 3 movies including the green hornet in the past week and a half. Thanks to tha fiance and and a few other peeps i have seen the green hornet, no strings attached, and the mechanic. The green hornet was alright but the other to rocked my socks. All of em i saw with Jer. I think thats the most we have hung out with each other in a while. Its been nice hanging with my fiance but i miss my besties too.

Kass just started her new job waitressing in a restaurant in town and Kourt has visited her twice. As for me...zip. Not once have i been to this place. How retarted of me to feel so left out but i do and i havent seen em in like a week or so. Its crazyness i sware. But i will see em soon enough. I read someething about patience somewhere....lol