Oh wow blogging before the crack of dawn. I must be out of my mind. But I'm not, just doin my gas station duties of opening this morning. About 6 hours after getting off of work last night I am back at it again. Just love those back to backs. I am actually glad I opened thought because I get the rest of the afternoon off afterward which will be nice..minus the fact that I need to wash clothes. The clothes basket me and jer share is piling up and acquiring its own odor, so Its definitely due for a washing lol.
Still in a good mood :). More progress is being made on the wedding scenario! Yesterday Jer finally made a jump on his guest list. So we can finally get a good idea of the number of people to expect, and finally start on addresses. Being the girl that I am, I've had the majority of my names and addresses since like a week after we set the date lol. Look at me go! The next step is looking at the church which is going down on Sunday! Then next week I am hoping to have shoes and cake tasted. I am such a fatty so the tasting is right up my alley.
In the midst of planning I need to get my mama something good for mother's day. She doesn't hear from me much just to be painfully honest. I know that is sad because we live in the same town. There isn't any valid excuse for that one, I just have a bad habit of not calling anybody. I never have, even when I was younger and stayed over at a friends, mama or daddy wouldn't hear from me until I got back home the next day. I remember Daddy always saying "No news is good news" so I guess that is why I hardly called, but this is the present and I am making it a point to call him and her more from this day forward. Whoa that felt official lol. But seriously that is what I am gonna do. Let them know how much I love em and let them know what is going on in their grown daughters life :)
I am trying to blog more than I usually do. There is plenty on this young lady's brain, finding the time to write is mah prob. No promise's but I'm gonna try to blog more (like I say in all of my blogs lol).
Chao for Now :) and a smiley to ya
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