Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Music Up

So the past couple of days didn't go totally as planned. For one we did not step a toe near the church and flowers and cake tasting had to be postponed due to schedules and such.

So now I am hoping to at least have my wedding dress in the town of ff by Saturday afternoon. Me and the girlies have a change of plan since Kass' bday is next weekend...not in June like my dumb self wrote in another post. Instead of Dress shopping for the wedding we are just going to the mall to prepare for next weekend. No one has the mula for a bridesmaids dress anywho so we are keeping it cheap and just hanging out really. I'm excited as usual.

I am so used to saying girlies but I have to remember we are ladies now, not high school drama queens or freshman 15's lol. So the Ladies and I are finally doing our thing like we used to. I honestly don't see how we found the time to hang all of the time what with work and all that nonsense. But we did. It's hard now because we are all in different situations like me working in the afternoons all of the time and Kourt visiting her bf all the way in Waco along with working. And we can't forget little Jensen hogging momma Kassie while she does school aaand work lol. Lives change I know but I still like hanging out every once in a while, which are moment will be here in a couple of days.

Just to mention what I had planned on blogging about I am finally in the mood to find more music. Anything from Rap to screamo will do me. Bass seems to be my favorite thing to hear lately. I just got the song Twisted by Lil Jon and Gorilla Zoe and More than Alive by The Ready Set. My fave is this Day to Remember song called All I Want. None of the stuff I get is extra new or anything (Like this super old I Love Rock and Roll by Joan Jett_Love her version btw. The original rox lol) but it's new to me and I am really wanting more more more.

Addicted to listening to music, what can I say??

Well I'ma get back to work. Just had to get ya up to speed lol. Chao for now. :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Day of Mothers

I know I am a bit late But happy mothers day and to all a good night. I am about to close mah store and thought hmmm...I didn't blog today lol. I'm off tomorrow so we will see how that goes. Hope everyones mother's day was flippin sweet :)

Chao homies

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Boom Goes the Dynamite

Hello world..friends..fam? Who is reading this stuff anyways lol?

So my day started at 7:30 this morning officially. I had to be at work 5 hours earlier than usual. I have complained enough about that all day to Jer so I will skip that part and get right to what made my day 'perfect'...and when I say perfect, I mean lousy lol.

I think the fates are trying to tell me something because when I went to find something in the pocket of my purse where all of my take-with-me makeup was, I found the contents of the pocket covered in my liquid makeup: c8 in L'oreal True Match Super-Blendable Makeup! It was so gross and my genius self tried to use soap and water to get it off of my other makeup stuff which actually made the situation worse. I finally just used napkins which worked fairly well. The remains of that makeup is down the drain. I bet it only has a drop left in it. And my poor playboy bunny purse is destined for the washing machine now after this tragic scene. I used soap and water on tha goopy residue left over and now it is sitting on a fan drying. How ghetto ugh lol.

Jer always says I don't need makeup, well this is a horrible way of telling me I don't need it as far as karma goes lol. I'm not as torn up about it as I was an hour ago. I told Kourt I'm so replacing my dirty makeup. I don't like my stuff looking dirty and gross. I might not be as neat as the next person but I don't like dirty. It ain't cute.

Other than that nothing of significance occured today except for knowledge of the warped tour that has the majority of all of my fave bands playing. Chris tells me these things and then him and Jer make plans to go. But I am probably gonna be with the girls that weekend. It is in June and Kass turns the big 21 around that time. It's gravy though. There are other warped tours. You only turn 21 once lol.

Chao for now, I'ma go check on my poor bag :(

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Friday Friends

So the weekend is about to start and Karla dearest has to work. But its cool, can't make money sitting at the house right? I have about an hour til I get my fanny to work actually but I figured I would blog really quick. I'm actually doing it from my phone because this ditz left her computer at home. And I do homework on it too so Imma have to skip out today waah.

Yesterday was a well deserved day off. I got to be outside like I always want to be when the weather is nice. I saw momma and madea in the afternoon and they were very happy to see little old me. We always have something to chit chat about when I come over. I stayed for more than 15 minutes like my usual visits lol. Mama was so sure that I would be rushing out the door after I had been there a few minutes lol. I love to see mama smile :)

I was actually home for dinner with mah white family for the first time in forever. It was nice to sit around the table and eat with everybody. I even got to make this yummy dessert that was like a mix of brownies and cookies. Never had it before, but I know I will definitely be having it again sometime.

After all this time with myself and my fam and jer's fam, me and him spent some time together :) We watched Fast and Furious just to prepare us for monday when we see the Fast Five movie. Watching movies is what me and Jer do best together lol. It was nice to hang with my hunny at the end of the day though.

Now we shall see how my mothers day weekend will go lol still gotta get the moms a present lol

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Oh wow blogging before the crack of dawn. I must be out of my mind. But I'm not, just doin my gas station duties of opening this morning. About 6 hours after getting off of work last night I am back at it again. Just love those back to backs. I am actually glad I opened thought because I get the rest of the afternoon off afterward which will be nice..minus the fact that I need to wash clothes. The clothes basket me and jer share is piling up and acquiring its own odor, so Its definitely due for a washing lol.

Still in a good mood :). More progress is being made on the wedding scenario! Yesterday Jer finally made a jump on his guest list. So we can finally get a good idea of the number of people to expect, and finally start on addresses. Being the girl that I am, I've had the majority of my names and addresses since like a week after we set the date lol. Look at me go! The next step is looking at the church which is going down on Sunday! Then next week I am hoping to have shoes and cake tasted. I am such a fatty so the tasting is right up my alley.

In the midst of planning I need to get my mama something good for mother's day. She doesn't hear from me much just to be painfully honest. I know that is sad because we live in the same town. There isn't any valid excuse for that one, I just have a bad habit of not calling anybody. I never have, even when I was younger and stayed over at a friends, mama or daddy wouldn't hear from me until I got back home the next day. I remember Daddy always saying "No news is good news" so I guess that is why I hardly called, but this is the present and I am making it a point to call him and her more from this day forward. Whoa that felt official lol. But seriously that is what I am gonna do. Let them know how much I love em and let them know what is going on in their grown daughters life :)

I am trying to blog more than I usually do. There is plenty on this young lady's brain, finding the time to write is mah prob. No promise's but I'm gonna try to blog more (like I say in all of my blogs lol).

Chao for Now :) and a smiley to ya

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Times have changed

I was going through my computer for a place to save my homework to so I could submit it and finally be done with the rubbish when I came across old personal blogs from as far back as 2009! Whoa was I a little weirdo lol. So maybe I haven't really changed that much but I wrote about a lot of things and plenty of stuff has happened between then and now. I guess its true when they say that what you go through in life shapes who you are today. I talked about alot of stuff that I have improved on since then and I am super proud of myself :).

Just had to mention that really fast. It was weird looking through that old stuff but anywhoo..

Today has been a wonderful day in the life of this fresh 21 year old. I have just been in a good mood plus there was the Selling Cigarettes To A Minor test from the policia and I passed which brightened my day a little more. I have failed before and 200 is not something I wanna pay ever again.

Now I just have to close my store, go home, get some sleep, and start again tomorrow. I really hope this happy doesn't go anywhere. lol I like it :)

Monday, May 2, 2011


Working in my environment puts me in contact with LOTS of different people. That includes nasty old men that like to flirt with you. I honestly want to gag in these situations but I restrain myself every time.

I am mentioning this because yesterday I had a creepster moment. An older man in like his 50's took it way too far...To start off it was a normal day at work though. I had just started my shift when I got the phone call that ruined mah day I sware. It was this guy that had been up to my store before maybe once or twice as someone passing through between dallas and houston. How I know this much is because he emphasized it greatly the times he came by. He would get a barbeque sandwich and sit at the tables at my store and chit chat when I would be at my register. I took it as nothing because plenty of people chit chat like that with me all the time. Well the phone call was out of the blue and unexpected.

He asked about the weather here and if anyone had roof damage to their houses because he happened to be a roof repair person and was looking for work. Of course I didn't know. I never ask anybody anything unless I know em personally so I told him no. He then decided to start a convo about the tornados and I happened to have customers so I was looking for a chance to hang up. That's when he randomly asked if I wanted to go out???!!!!

"NO NO NO, ten times no, what the hell is he thinking?" were my thoughts! I told him no flat out like I tell every man that comes in my store asking that question. I am engaged hellooo. And when I mentioned that bit of information, the guy on the phone's response was "Well you want to have a little fun before you get married?" I have to say that is when it got awkward and I had the urge to just hang up. But as always I didn't. I never hang up on people, this is why I still say bye before I hang up from anybody.

That phone call ended quickly after that though. My coworker was still here and asked what it was all about when I hung up finally. I told him and he mentioned that somebody had been trying to get a hold of me for a while now but I was always off. How freaking creepy is that. This strange man that I don't know the name of, looked up the number to this place just to call me. I told Kourtney that I'm just gonna have to stop being so nice and smiley all the time. I'm not into older men, actually I am not into anybody but jer so the peeps can just back off.

Oh the life of being a girl. Blah!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

What is Love, baby don't hurt me..

I actually just had that song in my head so I wrote it as mah title. Lol I haven't been on in so long so I need to give you the low down on everything that has been going on.

So I am back in school. I know that sounds repeated but I had a week vacation just last week and it was heavenly I must say. Not worrying about assignments and tests and grades blah! Anywho I am back to the grind and not to excited about it but it's one step closer to being done.

I am officially 21 as of April 19 :D. I have only had 2 drinks since mah big day and I am not mad about it at all. My first "legal" drink (lol) was a Bikini Martini and it was horrible lol. I got it at the Cheescake Factory on the weekend after mah birthday with mah girlfriends and my soon-to-be sister in law. Love the cheesecake factory by the way. I think it is my new favorite fancy restaurant. Well to me it is fancy. One thing that makes it fancy are those prices lol. Whoa is all I have to say about those. Definitely a place for special occasions ha.

I officially picked out my wedding dress!!!! And in the excitement of actually having pics I will resist the urge to spoil the surprise lol. I have pics up on facebook of ones I tried on. And mind you it took 3 hours to find perfection. The dress I got was picked because the "girlies" said I smiled and glowed way more in that one than I did in any other one I tried on. And I won't lie I did. I love it and it is going to make the big day even more perfect.

All the movies I have seen recently include:
Insidious-AAAAAHHHHHH! thats my comment on that lol
Scream 4- Loved it, wasn't scary but it was good :)
Your Highness-It was ..ok
Source Code-4 out of 5 stars
Hannah-The ending blew

Fun times at the movies in less than 2 months lol.

Chao for now and as usual I will try to get on here more. A lie it seems huh lol