Saturday, December 10, 2011

......where to begin?

I have been putting off and putting off blogging because so much stuff has happened that I have no idea how to explain months of my little life.....

You missed my marriage..oops
You missed our 1 month anniversary...oops again
You missed every altercation that egged on the urge to move out....who wants to hear about that anyways (lol)

I have taken tests, applied for a new semester, got Jer into college, attended the first birthday of my besties baby, procrastinated with thank you notes, started drinking water like I should, got a lotts membership, started cooking....can I stop yet?

Well I will cuz I am boring myself trying to fill in the details. And I know this isn't the first time this has happened. (This probably won't be the last time either).

Of course if you are a facebook friend you have seen all of tha things happening in this married womans life. Well kind of, I can be discreet too.

So I will just put you up to speed starting with this week:

Actually today was the start of an epiphany-ROOMATES. Me and Kourt thought of sharing rent so we could move out faster and not be broke at the same time. I have thought of this before but me and Kourt haven't been in the same room with each other in what feels like weeks. We finally had lunch today (birthday lunch actually! Kourt hit tha big 22 :D) and we went and looked at a house together. I really hope this happens and soon!!! The house we looked at wasn't too great but Jer said he would look into some other ones.

My car is broken at tha least I think it is. Jer was having the radiator flushed and I haven't heard from him all day. Hope its all good. I just needed heat :(

I am officially tired of typing now so I will finish this up tomorrow. Peace and love compadres!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wedding Things

So its about 3 weeks till the wedding (20 days if u wanna get super specific lol) and I am getting more nervous and even more excited. Idk what to do with myself honestly. Everything is in place to have the wedding. Things are paid for and we have decorations and the bridesmaid dresses :) the flowers, and the officiate, every detail is about complete. I think all that is left is the license. O.O

I am freaking out about that one because it is one step closer to me having my name changed. Karla Ferrero here I come lol. Me and Jer will probably get on that this week. I can't wait!!

One thing I am worrying about is how excited I am being. Usually when I get too excited about something, something never fails to go wrong or fall through. For example, everytime we go and look at a house that we could possibly get it doesnt happen and I am always gushing about how I cant wait to get the house and blah blah blah. Well I am scared something of the same nature will happen if I dont calm down about the wedding. I mean not us cancelling the wedding but the sky is the limit on all of the disastrous stuff that could happen. One of my smaller fears is giving in to the urge to pick my nose during the wedding lol. That would be so gross and I have the worst habit of doing that. The list goes on but I guess all I can do is hope for nothing better than the best.

Today we are headed to get my wedding band :) it has been in forever so we decided its now or never lol. I have had his for months woop woop go me. I am hoping me and him can go to our fave place to eat out when we go today. Hello OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE lol. It is all his fault that I love that place. Yum

October 8 will be here faster than ya kno, so I cant wait to see how it goes :) and I can't wait to see who shows up oooh lol. Chao dawlings!
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Monday, September 12, 2011

Still On That Happy Note

I am too thrilled from this past weekend. It has put me in the best mood. I talked to mama and she told me how much she really liked the shower. I hadn't gotten to talk to her since then.Like I said before it was a blast and having mama there was the icing on the cake. Now to move on to bigger things like the wedding in three weeks and 5 days :)

Nicole got this awesome handmade sign with my soon-to-be last name on it for me and Jer when we get a house. Its extra country but when she showed it to me this morning I was so excited to get it. I absolutely love it and can't wait to use it, along with all of those wonderful kitchen items I got at the shower. Now to just get a freaking house.

Another thing that has me in a good mood is this book:

Nicole suggested it to me forever and a day ago and I have heard about it and a movie coming out about it. I just wasn't interested and Nicole had the books hidden away so I never had them to read in the first place. Well I finally did start the book and believe me it is a good one. Well it's my kind of book anyways. It was so good I got to page 142 on the first go. My eyes were glued to that book. And I am not saying it is the best book in the universe or anything, it is just something very interestingly good to read.

On to other tales, I am actually at school writing this on a computer. That is why it may seem like a longer entry than usual. This is far more easier that using my thumbs. Today is my long day and I am stuck here at Navarro til around 5:30 or sooner if the teacher is feeling generous...probably not though lol. Been here since 8 so far and man is it boring when your up here by yourself.

On a postively awesome note, I finished all of my thank you cards. So everyone I saw on Saturday, check ya mail lol. Sending em out today woo hoo!chao for now fellas, I guess I could study...or something.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Yesterday was the best day! Why might you ask?! Because it was the day of my bridal shower silly.

Ah September 10th was the day a few of the ladies in my life came to celebrate me getting married. The games were fun and everyone participated which I didn't expect. Yes even mama did the games too, she was actually one of the models for the toilet paper dress game o.O It was fun to see who knew the most about the bride (too bad i cant remember who won that one) and seeing who put their elbows on the tables cuz if you did you would get ur safety pin taken away. Brittany was like a ninja on that game, she caught everybody lol even me!

Not alot of people showed up which was a bummer but we still had fun. My homies Danyale and Shannon came and I have known them practically my whole life. I hardly see them now what with grown up life and busyness goin on. Samantha came and was so quiet but she was glad to have come, I was super glad cuz i hardly see her either. Everyone else was either fam from jers side or mine and the bridal party. Alyssa was even there, she was extra excited to be apart of decorating and she had soooo much to say to me and everyone else lol.

It started at 11 and ended at 2ish which was not expected either. Cuz afterwards me and the ladies had to go to dallas for bridesmaid dresses. Fun times having to be at the bridal place before six. We were in such a hurry but made it there in plenty of time woo hoo. Now we just have kourts dress to get and we will be done with dallas whew.

Everyone was saying how they cant wait til its over so they can have money again lol. I feel broke mahself. But I was like it will be over before yall know it. My shower was over in the blink of an eye to me, one second we are having fun at the shower, the next second its sunday afternoon and I am writing this blog. Time slows for nothing. Not even special occasiobs. Thats some fine print for ya lol.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

On The First Day of College

Yesterday was a loong day. Not alot of people go to the first day of school at navarro because its just a day for the teachers to explain the same syllabus in every class. But I am certainly not using my one skip day we get on the very first day. It would be my luck I get ultra sick or something and I need it.

Anywho I like my teachers so far. Mrs Stottman (my anatomy teacher) is really nice and keeps it interesting in the classroom. This is her first time teaching in texas, she is from Los Angeles ooh. She doesn't sound at all like us Texans, all southern and mess. She is super nice and seems like she will be super helpful when I need help with something. I forgot my art teachers name but she is cool too. Not as cool as mrs Stottman though lol. I have yet to meet my Nutrition teacher. But we will get well aquainted on thurs in his/her three hour class.

What made my day so long, however, was the three hour wait in the bookstore to get my books. I get out of art at 11 and had lab at 2, so I had plans to mess with our invitations so we could finally send them off, and maybe eat too. I did need my books though so I went to the bookstore first and ended up sitting there for my entire break between classes. If it weren't for the friendly peeps around me chit chatting it up I would have left that place after an hour of waiting. By the end my wait I had fifteen minutes to maybe eat and get to my lab class. I was super hungry on the way home when it was all said and done. Sweety mrs stottman let us out 20 minutes early so there was my save of the day.

Can't wait to go back tomorrow, but I won't be going anywhere near the bookstore for a while.
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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Everything Is Bigger In Texas

I always think of how I sound, like high and whinny when I'm sad or not understandable when I am excited or tryin to tell something funny. What I notice the most is my horrible accent that I acquired from living in this god forsaken state since birth. I honestly don't like texas because I have been here too long and its always either too hot or too cold and from what I have heard about Michigan and other states, Texas is quite boring. But thats not what I wanted to rant about.

Why and how did Texans gain an accent? I know people sound different from different states but how did ours get so drawly and lazy. I constantly use words like ya'll but I draw the line at howdy and yonder. I refuse to use those worda only because it seems so freaking tacky. I think howdy was supposed to be 'how do you do' before a cowboy remixed that phrase. I can't think of where yonder came from.....

Lucky me some people can't hear my accent. I'm thinking they must be hard of hearing because it's there believe me. One woman asked if I was from an island because how I talked, another thought I was from washington..strange because I have only left this state once to visit good old Florida last summer for a week. No chance of me being from anywhere else.

Idk, I guess I just wanted to complain about being southern with an accent blah blah. The accent I do love and wish I had was the australian brand lol. Omg Ryan Kwanten from true blood has an awesome accent in real life. I could listen to those peeps talk all freaking day. Especially him what with the hotness factor and all.
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Friday, August 26, 2011

My Last Couple Of Days

Long time no see, actually its only been a few days so I wont be too harsh on myself for not being consistant..this time.

Things are beginning to wrap up for the wedding preparations. Tomorrow is the six week mark and invitations are about to go out :)!! How exciting. Now on our list of things to do is getting our marriage license and paying the rest on the cake and judge. Then later we are paying the rest on the hall woo hoo, I heart progress as I feel like I have said before.

Other than wedding things, yesterday I finally got to see Alyssa at school. I visited her for lunch time and me, her and Fran munched on McDonalds for the alotted fifteen minutes the first graders had to eat. All the kids in her class have gotten so much bigger or taller since the last time I saw them in Kindergarten, I was like wow I don't remember being that tall when I was 6. It was fun hanging with my little buddy, watching all the younger, and older, kids run around screaming and laughing and playing while the teachers tried their hardest at gaining order in the lunchroom. Well it wasn't that bad but there was some screaming and even crying. Crazy kids. Even Alyssa could barely sit still while eat and "quietly" talking to everyone around her. I sware every kid in her grade is her friend, my buddy is a bit too popular.

My week hasn't been chaulk full of endeavers yet but when school starts I bet I will have tons to talk about. Actually thats a lie cuz I have been busy with wedding related stuff but I will get into that later. Chao for now peepz!
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